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Research infrastructure

Support for research infrastructure

The first portions from the SCC pool for supporting researchers' purchase of equipment and other infrastructure, have now been awarded. So far, three projects have received the financial instrument. The next application deadline is 1 September 2023.

By Birgitte Svennevig, , 5/25/2023

Underwater microphones to listen for predators

Dolphins, for example bottlenose dolphins and orcas, are predators that kill large marine prey such as porpoises. Perhaps these large marine predators are becoming more common in Denmark as the waters become warmer. Researchers aim to investigate this, and for that purpose they receive support for three underwater microphones that can help in detecting them.

Project title: New marine top predators in Denmark - indicators of climate change?

Recipients: Olga Filatova and Magnus Wahlberg, NAT; Henrik Skov Midtiby, TEK.

Advanced cameras for satellite monitoring of the Arctic

Extremely lightweight and compact thermal and hyperspectral cameras are to be sent with the ClimateCube satellite over East Greenland. The project in which the ClimateCube is included is a collaboration between industry, students and researchers from SDU's technical and science faculties.

Project title: Infrared and Hyperspectral Cameras for Climate Cubes.

Recipients: René L. Eriksen, Nicolai Iversen, TEK Innovation; Mads T Frandsen, M.J. Ahlebæk, NAT. Technology partners: Aalborg University Space Center, Newtec Engineering, QTechnology.

Greener biomass extraction

Biomass contains many different valuable substances that are worth extracting. However, the extraction processes often require a significant energy consumption and the use of organic solvents, which the researchers behind this project would like to address. They have received support for the purchase of equipment that can pave the way for greener extraction of high added-value compounds from biomass.

Project title: Green processes for added-value compounds recovery through supercritical fluid extraction

Recipients: Massimiliano Errico, TEK-IGT. Lars Porskjær Christensen, FKF.


Editing was completed: 25.05.2023