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Quantum research

SDU’s quantum research is world-class

Two new analyses from the Danish National Research Foundation document that SDU’s quantum research has a very strong position against the international competition.

The Centre for Quantum Mathematics, led by Professor Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen, and the Quantum Field Theory Center, led by Professor Francesco Sannino, are two current examples of how research teams at the University of Southern Denmark are in a class of their own when it comes to one of several initiatives within the quantum technological revolution. Both centres are offshoots of two basic research centres: the Centre for Quantum Geometry of Moduli Space (QGM) and the Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics Phenomenology (CP3), which the Danish National Research Foundation supported back in 2009, when the Foundation helped fund the first major initiatives in the ‘second quantum revolution’.

Two new analyses from the Danish National Research Foundation show that quantum research at SDU is a significant contribution to Danish quantum research being strong in the international competition in this field. Quantum research is expected to become a cornerstone of the next technological revolution – and the solution when it comes to the green transition, communication, defence and security challenges, health and the development of new medicines and, not least, the development of quantum computers.

- At SDU, we are dedicated to creating groundbreaking research for the benefit of society. We are proud and grateful to receive this fine distinction from the Danish National Research Foundation and fully recognise that a fundamental prerequisite for achieving this position of strength in quantum research is the tireless work of dedicated people and the Foundation’s financial contribution, says Professor Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen, head of the Centre for Quantum Mathematics.

The Centre for Quantum Mechanics

The Danish National Research Foundation writes that ‘Professor Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen is one of the world leaders in quantum mathematical research (...). Uniquely, he also holds an ERC Synergy Grant and a Simons Foundation Collaboration Grant. In 2019, he was recruited by SDU to spearhead the establishment of the Centre for Quantum Mathematics, which already houses more than 30 top international researchers and is working to create a completely new mathematical foundation for all quantum phenomena. From the Centre for Quantum Mathematics, he has formed the spin-off company Qpurpose, which serves a large number of Danish C25 companies by solving their toughest optimisation problems via a combination of classic HPC and quantum computing.’


The characterisation of Professor Francesco Sannino reads, among other things, ‘he is an eminent professor of Physics at SDU and in 2010 received the Elite Researcher Prize. (...) While working at the Centre, he has contributed almost 400 scientific articles (many of which are top-cited), and at the same time he has developed a new theory, the ‘Litim-Sannino theory’. (...) CP3 was established as a completely new research field at SDU – research in fundamental particle physics. The goal was to uncover the origin of mass for all elementary particles. It didn’t take many years for the Centre to gain international recognition and help advise the US Department of Energy, the ERC and many others. CP3 became known for, among other things, using a different theoretical approach to create the basis for an extension of the standard model – the basic theory of particle physics. The Centre was characterised by creating a creative space for many young researchers and played a crucial role in developing the Physics programme at SDU, as measured by an impressive increase in student applications for the programme.’
Meet the researcher

Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen, Professor and Leader of The Centre for Quantum Mathematics.


Meet the researcher

Francesco Sannino, Professor and Leader of The Quantum Field Theory Center.


Read more at The Danish National Research Foundation

Editing was completed: 07.09.2023