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Flexible and cost-effective integration of electrolyzers into smart energy systems (flex-environment)



The purpose is: 1. Developing strategies for holistic economic optimization of electrolyzers and reveal their optimal operation time integrated with a Danish power-to-x (PtX) background. 2. Identifying optimal storage systems for CO2, H2 and heat. 3. Identifying potentials to integrate electrolytic O2 in oxyfuel incineration technology and for integrating waste management and seasonal waste storage in the optimization of PtX systems. 

Applicant team

  • Principal supervisor: Henrik Wenzel, Professor, Department of Green Technology, Faculty of Engineering.
  • Co-supervisor: Brooks Kaiser, Professor, Department of Business and Sustainability, Faculty of Business and Social Sciences.
  • Project team: Hossein Nami, Department of Green Technology, Faculty of Engineering.
  • Yingkui Yang, Associate professor, Department of Business and Sustainability, Faculty of Business and Social Sciences.