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Transmedial travel imaginaries in Japan and Denmark


Susana Tosca (PI)

Susana Tosca portrait

Dr. Susana Tosca is Professor of Media Studies at the University of Southern Denmark. Over the last twenty years, her research has combined aesthetic and media studies approaches to investigating the reception of digital media. She has published widely on the areas of hypertext, digital literature, computer games, transmediality and Japanese popular culture media. She is the author of the books Sameness and Repetition in Contemporary Media Culture, Transmedial Worlds in Everyday Life, Understanding Videogames and Literatura Digital. She is the current PI of the projects Digital Entertainment Machine (funded by DFF) and Pop-culture imaginaries in the museum (funded by Augustinus Foundation).

Akiko Sugawa Shimada (CI)


Dr. Akiko Sugawa-Shimada is a Professor at the Faculty of Urban Innovation at Yokohama National University. She specializes in Audience/Fan Studies, Gender Studies, and Cultural Studies, particularly in Anime, Manga, and adaptations. She has authored three notable books: "2.5次元文化論ー舞台・キャラクター・ファンダム", "Contents Tourism and Pop Culture Fandom", and "Girls and Magic: Representations of Magical Girls and Japanese Female Viewership" and contributed to numerous academic papers. Dr. Sugawa-Shimada received the Japan Society of Animation Studies Award in 2014 and has a successful history of securing external funding, establishing herself as a respected figure in her field.


Participants in workshops (growing list)
- Professor Aki Nakamura (Ritsumeikan University)
- Associate Professor Martin Roth (Ritsumeikan University)
- Senior Researcher Oya Yasunori (International Manga Museum)
- Postdoc Vincenzo Idone Cassone (Ritsumeikan University)
- Professor Jaqueline Berndt (Stockholm University)
- Researcher Zoltán Kacsuk (hochschule der Medien, Stuttgart)


Last Updated 23.11.2023
