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Professor of translational kidney physiology at SDU

Henrik Dimke, PhD (40 years old) has been appointed Professor of Translational Kidney Physiology at the Department of Cardiovascular and Renal Research, University of Southern Denmark.

Henrik Dimke has worked within kidney physiology for more than 17 years, including nearly 7 years abroad. As a renal physiologist with a background in molecular biology, Henrik Dimke’s research aims to understand how the kidneys function, especially how they transport minerals and thereby regulate their excretion in the urine. He has been employed at SDU since 2014, where he has built up his own research line with a focus on how calcium and magnesium transport is regulated in the kidneys and intestine. This is done using a number of physiological models that he has established or further developed. The experimental work has, among other things, helped to understand the mechanisms that lead to an increased amount of calcium in the urine, which is the biggest risk factor for the formation of kidney stones. A disease that affects many throughout life.

"I am very pleased with the appointment as professor, which is a great recognition, and I look forward to the opportunity to develop the research group further in this new capacity" says Henrik Dimke and adds that in this connection he would like to thank the extremely talented laboratory technicians, the members of his research group and the many national and international collaborators who make important contributions to the group's work.

Henrik Dimke has publications in the highest ranked journals in his field and book chapters in American textbooks. His research includes a wide range of collaborations with leading international and national research groups. He has a number of collaborations with researchers at Odense University Hospital, where he is also affiliated with the Department of Nephrology at Odense University Hospital. Henrik Dimke has received funding for his research from a number of private foundations and from the Danish Independent Research Foundation. Henrik Dimke is recipient pf the Renal Section Young Investigator Award 2022 from the American Physiological Society. 
Meet the researcher

Henrik Dimke is Professor of Translational Kidney Physiology at the Department of Cardiovascular and Renal Research, University of Southern Denmark.


Editing was completed: 14.09.2021