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Faculty of Health Sciences


The Dean invites you inside the new HEALTH building

The move-in is getting closer. Come with Dean Ole Skøtt into the new HEALTH building and learn about our upcoming workplace where there is room for both collaboration and individual work - and for cultivating and strengthening relationships and working communities.

By Bente Kjær, 3/20/2023

-Video by Anders Boe

3 pointers from Ole Skøtt about our new workplace:

In the new HEALTH building, there are offices for one, two, three, or four people.

The offices are surrounded by common facilities such as informal meeting places, kitchenettes, meeting rooms, outdoor areas, and dining areas.

While the actual office workspace is for individual work, there are plenty of facilities for collaboration and other activities.

Whether you have space in an office for one or more people, others have access to it when you are not there.

In other words, the office spaces are not private.

The same applies to the many common facilities that can be used by everyone across the faculty - and to some extent the university.

In the new HEALTH building, we focus on sharing facilities and utilizing resources collectively. 

This way, we optimize our use of the building.

At the same time, the intention is that shared use of facilities provides more knowledge about each other's work and competencies, benefiting the community and professionalism across units.

Additionally, attention to shared use and utilization of resources means that more groups can come together for procurement and maintenance of equipment and similar resources.

In the new HEALTH building, we emphasize flexible presence.

This means that we can arrange our workday based on the type of tasks we need to solve.

While tasks that require concentration and quiet can be done from home, we can come to the workplace to cultivate communities and solve tasks together.

In addition, flexibility can help increase our well-being and efficiency by allowing us to create better coherence between work and personal life.

Last but not least, flexible presence also supports better use of the building, as more people can use the same facilities and spaces during a week.

Any questions about New HEALTH?

In our FAQ, you will find answers to frequently asked questions about New HEALTH. You can find the FAQ about New HEALTH here.

If you do not find answers to your questions in the FAQ, you are welcome to contact us at:

Editing was completed: 20.03.2023