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Faculty of Health Sciences

The plan for the move to the new HEALTH building is adjusted once again

The latest announced schedule for the move to the new faculty building starting in May 2023 has been changed. The move-in will now begin in August. However, teaching at the new facility will start as planned in the fall semester of 2023.

In November, we adjusted the move-in plan for the new faculty building to begin the move on May 1st and complete it by September 1st at the latest, in time for the start of the semester.

At that time, we believed that an adjustment would give us a higher degree of certainty for the durability of the move-in time, along with stability in planning, prioritization of resources, both internal and external, and final execution of the move.

However, the Danish Road Directorate, which is the contractor, has informed SDU that a number of tests on the control and regulation of technical systems will not be completed until June.

As we still focus on creating a good experience around the move, this announcement about testing is not compatible with our phased technical preparation and commissioning of buildings.

There are dependencies between the individual building sections that cannot be met, and therefore we must adjust the move-in schedule again.

The adjusted plan is roughly as follows:

  • The move-in for the Anatomy unit before summer is maintained.
  • Teaching moves as planned, with the start of classes in the new facilities for the fall semester of 2023.
  • Other units' move is pushed back to after summer, with move-in starting from August onwards. The previously announced order and duration of the moves for individual units are maintained.

Technical Services is working on an updated schedule, which will be published as soon as possible.

- Thomas Buchvald Vind, University Director.

Any questions?

If you have any questions regarding the adjusted schedule, feel free to contact Technical Service, who handles inquiries regarding the move to new HEALTH building.

Contact Technical Service at

Follow-up at the faculty

In collaboration with the heads of departments and the Lab group in the New HEALTH program, we are currently following up on whether the adjustment of the timetable raises any points of attention, issues, or concerns that give rise to new local challenges.
Editing was completed: