Presentations from the conference:
Alan Haynie: Management, the environment, and fisher behavior - Lessons from the United States Bering Sea
Devon Thorsel: An Evaluation of Oil Pollution Prevention Strategies in the Arctic
Gunnar Sander: International legal obligationsfor EIA and SEA in theArctic Ocean
Jan Sundet: Having it both ways – the Norwegian management of the red king crab
Jared Woollacott: The integrated assessment of critical ecosystem dynamics in a marine shery
Joan Nymand Larsen: Resource Stewards and Users in the New Arctic
Kathryn Bryk Friedman: Transboundary governance capacity in the Arctic -Lessons from the Laurentian Great Lakes?
Kim Østergaard og Christian Frier: Legal gaps in the Arctic Regulatory Framework - FORMAL AND INFORMAL SOURCES OF LAW
Níels Einarsson: Reflections on Effectiveness and Externalities of Market-Based Fisheries Governance Systems in the Arctic
Parnuna Egede: Co-management in the making - balancing knowledge-sharing with interests and conflicts
Þórólfur Matthíasson: Profit and invisible resource rent in fisheries - ITQs, rent distribution and local communities Icelandic experiences
Rosemary Rayfuse: Stewardship of the Central Arctic Ocean: The Arctic 5 versus the international community
Ryan Holmes: A Sustainability Assessment of LNG as a Marine Fuel: A Development Opportunity for the Arctic?
Sue E. Moore: Marine mammals as Ecosystem Sentinels and Guides to Holistic Adaptive Management
Thorir Sigurdsson: AHistorical Example of Fisheries Mismanagement: The Case of Atlanto-Scandian Herring
Tore Henriksen: Arctic marine fisheries: Lessons learnt from the North-East Atlantic fisheries regimes?
Vincent Gallucci: GLIMPSE OF THE FUTURE: The Far East and Evolving Arctic Council