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Philosophy in Schools

Time and place: October 11 2018, 10 AM-12.15 PM at University of Southern Denmark.

Keith Topping is professor of Educational and Social Research, University of Dundee. The topic of his lecture will be the dialogical teaching found in Philosophy with Children, a form of teaching which emphasizes peer interaction and appears to benefit both thinking, social and language skills. 

The lecture precedes the (closed) masterclass Dialogic teaching through philosophy with children.

Professor Topping’s research focus includes peer learning (e.g. cooperative learning and peer assessment) across subject boundaries and in core skills (e.g. writing, thinking skills and mathematics). These methods are targeted to: raise achievement; enhance motivation; develop social and other transferable skills; and promote inclusion. Among other things, Professor Topping has also been involved in projects exploring parent involvement in language development with children aged 0-3 years and he has been working on the quality of implementation of book reading and outcomes in primary and secondary school.

Please write Caroline Schaffalitzky,, if you would like to attend the lecture.

Last Updated 21.02.2024