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Philosophy in Schools

Philosophy and the School: Challenges and Opportunities

May 24-25, 2018, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark

Registration deadline: May 17
But register by April 15, if you want to be sure to have the opportunity to attend the conference dinner (separate registration later).

Follow news about the conference on this Facebook event.

Keynote speakers

  • Jana Mohr Lone (University of Washington)
  • Peter Worley (The Philosophy Foundation)
  • Karin Murris (University of Cape Town)
  • Egle Säre (University of Tartu)
  • Alina Rezitskaya (Montclair State University)

The PaSCO conference precedes the 2018 SOPHIA Network Meeting on 26th and 27th of May.


About the conference

The conference marks the establishment of the PaSCO Network

International research on Philosophy with Children is rich in discussions and approaches, yet important questions regarding practical issues and research methods remain to be addressed. The conference will focus on such questions concerning the opportunities and challenges of Philosophy with Children.

Among the opportunities are countering inequality in education and contributing to professional development of teachers. Both have been suggested in research, but have not yet been studied systematically. Among the challenges are ethical considerations and obstacles pertaining to empirical studies of philosophical activities and their effects.

The conference is generously supported by Carlsbergfondet and Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet.

Call for papers (now closed)

We invite proposals for presentation at the conference. The topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Ethical considerations regarding Philosophy with Children
  • Research in effects of Philosophy with Children
  • Philosophy with Children and minority students
  • Quality standards of Philosophy with Children

Length: 300-500 words


Deadline: March 1
Response: before April 1

Last Updated 21.02.2024