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Medieval Self-Commentaries Beyond Europe

Activities, media and links




Elisabetta Barili – PhD Defense: Building rhetorical self-awareness through Hermogenes: John Tzetzes’ Commentary on Περὶ ἰδεῶν λόγου.
Odense - 21 February 2023

Aglae Pizzone (organizer) – Workshop: Beyond Books: Rethinking Textual Circulation and Publication Practices in 12th-century Constantinople.
Athens – 13-14 May 2022

Aglae Pizzone (organizer) – Panel: From John Geometres to John Tzetzes: Reading the corpus Hermogenianum in the Middle Byzantine Period.
47th Byzantine Studies Conference 2021. Cleveland, Ohio – 9-12 December 2021

Professor Panagiotis Agapitos visiting “Medieval Self-Commentaries”:  Prof. Panagiotis Agapitos (University of Cyprus) virtually visited our project and the Centre for Medieval Literature on the 27th and 28th of April 2021. On the 27th of April (10.00-12.00 AM DK time), he held a hands-on workshop on 12th-century Byzantine literature, while in the afternoon (27th of April, 14.30-16.30 DK time) he gave the talk “The periodization of Byzantine literature: from a historical to a literary model”. On the 28th of April he met team members for one-to-one discussions on project-related topics.




Travel to Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, to examine Voss. Gr. Q1 through autopsy and take multispectral pictures in order to assess: a) if anything was legible below the erasures; b) the dating of the iconographic material (doodles in the margins).


Travel to Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, to examine the M 66 sup. through autopsy and take multispectral pictures in order to assess whether the ex libris factually points to the ownership of John Kamateros, Patriarch of Constantinople (1198–1206).


12–17 June 2022
Travel to Leipzig, Bibliotheca Albertina, to examine the Mscr.Dresd.Da.7 through autopsy and to arrange a multispectral digitization of the manuscript. 




Kevin Blankinship - Before Print or Copyright, Authors Had To Guard Their Own Works 


Conference presentations

Elisabetta Barili – “Might God’s sword fall in the middle of your heart!”: John Tzetzes’ autograph invectives against Hermogenes and the copyist in the commentary on Περὶ ἰδεῶν λόγου.
Cacata Carta. Poetic Shitstorms in Ancient Texts. Graz – 15-17 September 2022 

Elisabetta Barili – John Tzetzes Against Demosthenes and Hermogenes: Reporting Literary Thefts
24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies. Venice Padua – 22-27 August 2022

Aglae Pizzone – Emotions, Society and the Individual in Tzetzes’ Commentary on the Corpus Hermogenianum. Panel: Byzantine Poetry Between Fictionality and Factuality (organizers K. Kubina and N. Zagklas).
24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies. Venice Padua – 22-27 August 2022

Elisabetta Barili – Rhetorical commentaries and epitomes in 12th-century Constantinople
Workshop Beyond Books: Rethinking Textual Circulation and Publication Practices in 12th-century Constantinople. Athens – 13-14 May 2022

Elisabetta Barili – John Tzetzes and Minucianus: polemic and self-representation in the commentary on Hermogenes. Panel: From John Geometres to John Tzetzes: Reading the corpus Hermogenianum in the Middle Byzantine Period (organizer Aglae Pizzone).
47th Byzantine Studies Conference 2021. Cleveland, Ohio – 9-12 December 2021

Aglae Pizzone – Joy and Laughter in 12th-Century Urban Culture: New Evidence from the Vossianus Graecus Q1. Panel: From John Geometres to John Tzetzes: Reading the corpus Hermogenianum in the Middle Byzantine Period (organizer Aglae Pizzone).
47th Byzantine Studies Conference 2021. Cleveland, Ohio – 9-12 December 2021

Elisabetta Barili – John Tzetzes and Hermogenes: towards the edition of Tzetzes’ commentary on Περὶ Ἰδεῶν
Connecting NetMAR: 1st Networking and ESR Conference. Bamberg, 14 October 2021


Aglae Pizzone – Patrons and Heroes in the Book Epigrams of the Voss. Gr. Q1.
Speaking From the Margin series, Ghent, 14 June 2022

Aglae Pizzone – Rhetoric and Emotions in Tzetzes: new texts from Voss. Gr. Q1. 
University of Komotini, 15 December 2021

Aglae Pizzone – New Texts by John Tzetzes.
University of Bari, 6 December 2021


Manuscripts' digitizations

Copenhagen, Royal Library, Cod. Arab. 261 

Copenhagen, Royal Library, Cod. Arab. 262

Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek – Staats – und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden (SLUB), Dresd. Da.7

Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, M 66 sup. 

Naples, Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele III, II.E.5

Oxford, Bodleian Library, Auct. T. 5.06 (Misc. 268)



Elisabetta Barili – BSC Graduate Student Prize
47th Byzantine Studies Conference 2021. Cleveland, Ohio – 9-12 December 2021


Blog posts

by Elisabetta Barili, February 15, 2023
From Dresden to Leipzig: on a damaged manuscript and its new "readable" life

by Aglae Pizzone, February 4, 2020
John Tzetzes in the margins of the Voss. Gr. Q1: discovering autograph notes of a Byzantine scholar

by Elisabetta Barili, September 30, 2020
Dumbarton Oaks Byzantine Greek Summer School 2020: an exciting virtual experience


Last Updated 21.02.2024