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Project Period

1/9 2015 - 30/11 2020


The project “Creativity and Entrepreneurship” (also known as “Medstrøm”) is a competence development project with the purpose of increasing entrepreneurship and growth within the creative professions in the Region of Southern Denmark, - and also to promote a business and growth-oriented culture in the creative professions, giving sales and market orientation a high priority.

The project is based on a cooperation between partners in the Triangle Region as well as the south of Funen, each of them having built experience with entrepreneurship and growth within the creative businesses.

Based on the specific needs which characterise entrepreneurs in the creative professions, - and the experience of the partners on which activities have most effect – a portfolio of activities has been identified and developed with four different targeted and coordinated offers for the entrepreneurs of the region.

Furthermore, researchers from Department of Entrepreneurship and Relationship Management are doing accompanying research in order to uncover and document the effects of the activities, the survival rates of the participating companies and their growth rates.

Read more about the Medstroem Project here ...


  • Fremtidsfabrikken, Svendborg municipality (lead)
  • Spinderihallerne, Vejle municipality (project partner)
  • Business Kolding (project partner)
  • Department of Entrepreneurship and Relationship Management, University of Southern Denmark (project partner)

Researchers etc. at SDU


Primarily European Social Fund and European Regional Fund, Total budget 7.4 mio €

EU/Regional funds 4.8 mio. €

Last Updated 25.06.2024