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A person-centered approach to understanding service needs following sexual assault



Project title

A person-centered approach to understanding service needs following sexual assault

Maria Hardeberg Bach

Project manager

Maria Hardeberg Bach

Project description

Research indicates that rape may be part of a victim vulnerability profile, embedded in a history of assault and psychological challenges. At the same time, this group of rape victims have been shown difficult to address in the existing interdisciplinary treatment models.

Goal and focus:
The present project stems from discussions with multidisciplinary professionals at the Danish Rape Crisis Centers, who indicate a lack of practice based knowledge on these issues. The present project thus aims to:

  • increase our knowledge of the extent and nature of vulnerability factors among rape victims;
  • identify interdisciplinary support needs among diverse rape victims;
  • identify treatment challenges in rape cases.

The present study is informed by qualitative research strategies, including interviews.

The project is carried out under

THRIVE Research Group

Start date and expected end date

2018 - 2021

Main supervisor

Maj Hansen, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, SDU


Nina Beck Hansen, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, SDU


Center for Rape victims, Odense Unviersity Hospital;
Center for Rape victims, Aarhus University Hosptial;
Center for Rape victims, Sygehus Lillebælt


The Danish Victims Fund


victim vulnerability profile, assault, psychological challenges, interdisciplinary treatment models

Last Updated 10.04.2024