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Personality profile of Danish veterans




Personality profile of Danish veterans/soldiers with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – A study of comorbidity with axis I and axis II disorders


Beatriz Ponce de León


Background: War related problems have a detrimental impact on the individual and society due to serious mental problems, increased health problems and low productivity. An increasing number of Danish veterans are experiencing serious psychological problems. Many veterans are unable to manage a regular job. Some of them seek refuge in the forest because they cannot cope with everyday problems. Others resort to substance abuse and criminality to cope with stress and anxiety. There is growing evidence that war-related PTSD co-occurs with other psychiatric disorders.

Aim: We aim to investigate co-occurring disorders such as depression, substance abuse and personality disorders in Danish veterans with PTSD. A thorough assessment of the presence of other disturbances present in this population will enable us to develop more effective treatment methods.

Method: The measures consist of validated standardized structured interview methods and questionnaires.

Perspectives: The project is based on documented knowledge about how people who have high rates of co-occurring mental disorders are more resistant to the psychotherapeutic and medical treatment. The results from this project will contribute to a comprehensive assessment and clarification of the veterans' mental health problems.


 War, veterans, PTSD, depression, alcohol abuse, personality disorders

Start date and expected end date

 01.09.2014 – 01.09.2017

Main supervisor

Prof. Ask Elklit




Department of Psychology – University of Southern Denmark, Psychiatric Center ATT (Afdeling for Traume- og Torturoverlevere), Odense University Hospital (OUH), Danish Veteran Center


Psychiatric Research Foundation of Southern Denmark and the Soldiers Foundation

Last Updated 19.10.2023