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Patients' and the publics' preferences and values

It is generally accepted that peoples’ preferences for health outcomes and alternative allocations of health care should play some part in the decision making process. Yet much controversy exists on how to measure preferences, who's preferences to include and what type of values to elicit. In particular there has been an increasing interest in understanding the public’s preferences for distributional considerations. We conduct high-quality research on the value of health outcomes and the public’s priority setting rules. Our research can be grouped into three sub-themes: social preferences and priority setting; patients preferences and values; and issues of methodology.

Current projects:

Social preferences:

  • Social preferences and inequality aversion in health: a survey experiment 
  • Preferences for QALYs at end-of-life: An empirical study
  • The general publics' preferences for end-of-life treatment
  • Societal and decision maker preferences for priority setting in health care resource allocation (Australia)

Patients' preferences and values:

  • Does health shock impact on individuals’ valuation of health? Eliciting QALY weights among intensive care patients
  • Women’s preferences for choice of birth location
  • Physical exercise versus earlier death: An investigation into preferences for physical activity amongst the inactive using a stated preference approach
  • The explanatory power of time preferences and present biasedness on health related behaviour

Issues of methodology:

  • The influence of different sample restriction criteria on the estimation of a constant WTP per QALY. Any good news?
  • An investigation into procedure (in)variance in the valuation of mortality risk reductions
  • Unforced choice experiments in health economics: Implications of using opt-out, neither or status quo alternatives
  • Handling resolvable uncertainty from incomplete choice scenarios – elicited choice probabilities versus discrete choices
  • The role of regret minimization in choice of HPV vaccination and the impact of time preferences
  • Validation of instruments for measuring quality of life amongst children: validation of the CHU9D against SDQ and KIDSCREEN


Last Updated 20.10.2023