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General Practice

Current projects

  • Taking care of high-need patients in capitation-based payment schemes – an experimental investigation into the importance of market conditions
  • Disclosing physicians' allocation of health care under different payment schemes • Accreditation in general practice - the impact on motivational factors.
  • Physicians' motivational profiles and treatment decisions • Empathy amongst general practitioners, and the association with GP characteristics and treatment effects.
  • The effect of physicians' objective and subjective resource constraints on prescription behaviour.
  • Effects of disease management in primary care.
  • Physician quality and health outcomes of patients with chronic disease.
  • Global physician expenditure cap and inequality in access to care.
  • Can the use of electronic health records in general practice reduce hospitalizations for diabetes patients? Evidence from a natural experiment.
  • Impact of a GP disease management programme with feedback reports and peer comparisons on inequalities in ACSC admissions.
  • Changes in referral options for GPs increase the rate of magnetic resonance imaging for low back pain patients – evidence from a natural experiment using Danish nationwide data.
  • Changes in referral options for GPs and surgery rates for low back pain – evidence from a natural experiment using Danish nationwide data.
  • Point-of-care testing of HbA1c in Type 2 diabetes care in general practice and the effect on hospital outpatient visits and inpatient admissions related to diabetes care. Evidence from a natural experiment in Danish general practice.
  • Understanding antibiotic prescription behaviour in general practice.
  • Discontinuation of medication in general practice.


Last Updated 20.10.2023