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NHESG 2016


Arriving by flight
Copenhagen Airport, the biggest airport in Denmark, is an international airport with many flights arriving from and departing to all regions of the world. For further information about the airport, go to Copenhagen airport.

Trains to Odense
Trains depart from Copenhagen Airport. Some go directly to Odense some go to  Copenhagen Central Station (København H) where it  necessary to change in order to go to Odense. All westbound trains from the airport stop at Copenhagen Central Station (eastbound trains go to Sweden, so check the direction carefully!). Tickets must be bought before boarding the train. Train schedules are available and tickets can be bought at English and German versions are available. There are also ticket offices/vending machines at the airport and at train stations.

Local transport in Odense
Buses, lines 41-44, run between Odense train station (OBC) and the university (SDU). Exit the bus at the main entrance of the university. Tickets must be purchased in the bus and by cash only. See bus table.
Taxi, cost about 150 DKK (about € 20). Ask the driver to drop you off at the main entrance. Taxis can be found at the station or booked by phone: +45 66 15 44 15 or +45 66 12 27 12.



Last Updated 20.12.2023