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PhD Oral Defence Session Anne Ahrens Østergaard - June 25, 2024 - PhD Oral Defence Session

"Tuberculosis infection - prevalence and host-based biomarkers"

Date and time:

25-06-2024 at 14:00


Room U23, SDU
Campusvej 55
5230 Odense

Committee of Examiners:

Professor, specialist physician Per Björkman
Clinical infection medicine, University of Lund, Sweden

Dr. med Susanne Dam Poulsen
Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Copenhagen

Clinical epidemiologist, associated professor Kim Oren Gradel (chair)
Research Unit of Clinical Epidemiology, Department of Clinical Research, SDU 

Main supervisor:

Professor Isik Somuncu Johansen
Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark

Editing was completed: 07.06.2024