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Entrepreneurship opportunities strengthened for students

SDU and iFabrikken have signed an agreement helping students convert good ideas to new companies.

The University of Southern Denmark and iFabrikken in Sønderborg have entered into a 3-year agreement, which will make it easier for SDU students to start their own business. The goal is to increase the number of entrepreneurs and workplaces in Sønderborg Municipality.

The agreement entails that 3-5 ideas put forward by students will be selected to undergo a special procedure. The students are thereby presented with the opportunity to bring their ideas through a development process, where the ideas mature into a finished product.

-The students will go through a very important learning process, and if iFabrikken at the same time can assist in increasing the number of workplaces, it is very positive, says Campus and Institute Leader at SDU Sønderborg, Horst-Günter Rubahn.

Agreement increases innovation focus
The agreement with iFabrikken brings an increased focus on innovation for SDU. The Mads Clausen Institute already offers the engineering study program Innovation and Business, which has a strong focus on entrepreneurship and innovation.

Editing was completed: 14.09.2014