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SDU Library

Students and staff have access to the university library's many services and excellent facilities 24/7. Citizens across the country also have access to the library's offerings during service hours at our libraries on all SDU campuses - and anyone can become a borrower with us. We are a public library.

We are a publicly accessible library at the University of Southern Denmark, with branches in six cities, primarily in the Southern Denmark region: Esbjerg, Kolding, Odense, Slagelse, Sønderborg, and Copenhagen. The library primarily serves university staff and students at all University of Southern Denmark locations, but businesses, organizations, and educational institutions such as university colleges, high schools, and business schools, as well as ordinary citizens, are also among our users.

SDU’s library provides access to a vast array of materials such as books, journals, newspapers, maps, sheet music, microfilms, and a wide range of electronic resources. The library has a physical collection of nearly one and a half million volumes and provides access to over 200,000 electronic journals, approximately 750,000 e-books, and more than 500 different online databases (as of June 2022). Our collections primarily cover the areas of research and teaching at the University of Southern Denmark, but almost all fields of study are represented.

You can find more information about the library on the library’s own pages here.

Last Updated 31.05.2024