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Innovation management

Supporting companies to innovate, generate and manage the good ideas and become or stay competitive on the market

Keywords and applications

Idea generation and evaluation systems, 
(lead) user innovation, open innovation, statistical analysis

Idea management, innovation management, new product development, user insights


We mainly focus on three fields:

Open and user innovation 

Companies need to harness external knowledge to remain competitive for the future, as the pool of knowledge residing outside the company is much larger as the pool of knowledge within the company. We help companies to identify and use relevant external sources of knowledge for innovation by using open innovation methods such as the lead user method, crowdsourcing, and community netnography.

Idea generation and evaluation

Ideas are the raw material for innovation in organisations and represent the starting point of innovation processes. Our expertise lies in the management of idea generation and evaluation processes. We help companies to enable a sustainable flow of ideas, evaluate ideas systematically, select the best ideas, and optimise idea management systems.

Technology-driven innovation and exaptation

Identifying new market opportunities is challenging but crucial for the success of technology-driven companies. We help companies to analyse their technologies, select technologies for commercialisation, identify relevant applications, evaluate new markets opportunities, and select promising market opportunities.

We rely on both qualitative and quantitative (big) data analysis to provide our expertise to industry partners.


  • Idea management systems (setup and analysis)
  • Shopfloor innovation systems (setup and analysis)
  •  Idea evaluation and selection (setup and analysis)
  • Lead user workshops
  • Technology push workshops
  • (Big) data analysis
  • Panel data analysis

Labs and equipment

  • Stata MP4 for (big) data analysis
  • Word processing tools
  • Creativity lab


Dr. Tim Schweisfurth 
Associate Professor
SDU Technology Entrepreneurship and Innovation (TEI)
Department of Technology and Innovation

T +45 6550 1887
M +49 160 4408 885

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