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Population surveys

National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) has more than 25 years of experience in carrying out population surveys, i.e. studies of all persons, both sick and healthy, in a particular geographical area or population group.

Among other things, the NIPH is responsible for the National Health Profile database, the National Representative Health and Morbidity Surveys (SUSY), the School Children’s Survey (HBSC) and the Population Survey in Greenland. What these surveys have in common is that they are performed on a regular basis, which allows monitoring of the development of health indicators over time.

Moreover, the NIPH has conducted other individual surveys, e.g. among secondary and vocational school students (Youth Profile 2014), in specific population groups, e.g. among socially vulnerable people (SUSY‑udsat [SUSY-vulnerable]) and among people with a heart disease (Livet med en hjertesygdom [Life with a heart disease]).

The subject matter of population surveys varies depending on what is relevant at the time. As a rule, however, the surveys always contain questions about health behaviour, health and well-being, as well as morbidity. This research provides major knowledge about public health and the population’s health behaviour that can be used in planning and prioritising health work and for research and analysis that can help improve public health.

NIPH also conducts research on how best to carry out population surveys, including the development of questionnaires and research methods - also for specific groups in the population, such as smaller children and those who are socially vulnerable.


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Last Updated 21.06.2024