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University of Southern Denmark, SDU

Has your application for dispensation been rejected?


It is a shame you have received a rejection and will be expelled. We do understand if you are both shocked, upset, and angry that you have ended up in this situation.

When you are going to be expelled, because you did not get the exemption you needed to continue your studies, this will be registered on your enrolment. Therefore, it does not change your situation if you resign yourself from SDU.

Your SU will automatically stop. If you have any questions regarding SU, please do not hesitate to contact the SU team at SDU.  
Unfortunately, we don’t know that. Contact the landlord and tell him/her about your new situation.

Yes, you can file a complaint against the Study Board's decision. But you can only appeal against the legal aspects of the decision and not the estimate or assessment itself.

To complain about the legal aspects means , that you can make a complaint that we have not handled your case in accordance with the Public Administration Act and the applicable rules in the field of education.

Read the decision thoroughly and find the cause of the rejection

If you want to file a complaint, read the reason for the decision carefully. Often the reason is that your documentation of extraordinary conditions has not been good enough. And then you need to collect a new documentation, e.g. a new doctor’s certificate.


Follow the complaint instructions

In the rejection of the application for exemption, you can find an appeal guide. Follow it when you file a complaint.

It is particularly important here that you comply with the deadline for appeal. If you have problems getting new documentation in time, write in your complaint that you will submit the documentation, when you receive it.

When you have been expelled from SDU it is tricky to get back in at the same program. How difficult it is depends on how far along you are in the program and what program you are enrolled at.

Which of your passed subjects you can get credits for depends on the curriculum of your new education. It is the Study Board of your new education who can decide if you can transfer credit. The Study Board decides on credit transfer on the basis of specific applications, and you can only apply when you have been admitted to a program.

Therefor, we cannot tell you which subjects you may recieve credit for, and how long it will take to complete another program. 

What can you do?

  1. Read in the curriculum for the programme you wish to apply for. Here you can try to compare the courses you have passed with the courses you will have on the programme you wish to apply for. This will give you a picture of whether you can get credit for some of your passed subjects.
  2. Talk to the student counsellor on the programme you wish to apply for. The student counsellor knows the Study Board's practice and can tell you more about what can happen to your credit application.

Read the rules about credit.

Starting credit

When you enter a new programme, you must apply for credit for the courses you have passed on other higher education programmes you have attended. We call this starting credit.

Read the rules for starting credit.

I want to study but do not know where

If you want to study, and need help finding a new education, please contact Studievalg.

New education on SDU

If you want to know more about programmes and admissions procedures at SDU, please contact the admissions office

We do understand that. It's a difficult situation, and it's natural to be overwhelmed by the new reality.

Please contact the General Study Counselling: Telephone: 65501801 (the phone is open on Mondays and Wednesdays at 10-12). You can also send us an email at: 

Please contact the General Study Counselling at: 65501801 (the phone is open on Mondays and Wednesdays at 10-12). You can also send us an email at:

You can also contact Student Services by phone: 65501050 (Monday to Friday 10-14), or via SPOC. Student Services can help you figure out who can answer your questions.


Last Updated 07.02.2024