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University of Southern Denmark, SDU

Life satisfaction and overweight among 7-14-year-old children: An evaluation of an extended maintenance intervention after a 10-week health camp

In Denmark, the private organization, the Danish Christmas Seal Foundation runs five health camps in Denmark where 7-14-year-old children can apply for a stay of 10 weeks focusing on both mental, social, and physical health. After a 10-week stay at health camp, most of the children improve their life satisfaction, obtain a healthier BMI, and the Christmas Seal Foundation wants to maintain these results long-term. To do this, they have invented a new extended maintenance intervention where a intervention coordinator from the health camp, helps the child get back into their home environment in school, leisure time, and help the parents support a healthy lifestyle in the families.


The project is an evaluation of the extended maintenance intervention after the 10-week health camp. The results are to be used as a foundation for future maintenance interventions at the five health camps and in overweight interventions in general. 


Both qualitatively and quantitatively methods are used.  

Period of project

2018-2023 (PhD scholarship 2019-2022)

Collaboration and funding provider

Liljeborg Fonden

Last Updated 21.03.2023