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University of Southern Denmark, SDU

PhD project: Take a Stand!

Recently research has found that sedentary behaviour has substantial impact on health and wellbeing, e.g. on the risk of premature death and cardiovascular disease. However studies indicate that the harmful effects could be reduced through breaking sedentary time by short intervals of standing or walking.

46 % of all Danes are working in sedentary occupations and the workplace is thus a very relevant setting to intervene against sedentary behaviour


The main objective of Take a Stand! is to reduce sitting time during working hours, reduce prolonged sitting periods and increase breaks in sitting time among office workers. Secondary we want to test whether the intervention increases well-being among workers.

The intervention included five components:

  1. Ambassadors and management support: Each office appointed an ambassador and managers agreed to act as role models.
  2. Environmental changes: Installation of high meeting tables and definition of routes for walking meetings. Participants had sit-stand tables prior to the project.
  3. Lecture: Concerning sedentary behaviour and health.
  4. Workshop: Aimed at ensuring local adaptation. Participants were guided through four strategies: using the sit-stand desk, breaking up prolonged periods of sitting, standing and walking meetings, and setting common goals at office level.
  5. E-mails and text messages: Participants could volunteer to receive weekly e-mails and/or twice-weekly text messages during the intervention period. 


Data on sedentary behaviour was collected objectively using accelerometers. Questionnaire data was collected on background variables, physical activity level and well-being. Data collection took place at baseline and after one and three months.

Project period

Autumn 2013: Pilot study
Winter 2013: Baseline measures
Winter-summer 2013-14: Intervention period
Spring-summer 2014: Follow-up measures
Spring-summer 2014: Process evaluation
Autumn 2014-2015: Dataprocessing and analysis
2015-17: Report of effect results
2016: Report of process evaluation results.



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Last Updated 15.08.2023