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University of Southern Denmark, SDU

Evaluation of Safe Psychiatry

Danish Society for Patient Safety has asked The National Institute for Public Health for an evaluation of the project Safe Psychiatry. Safe Psychiatry is a national demonstration project, which aims to improve patient security in the psychiatry. The project uses “the model for improvement" as a systematic method for improvement at eight pilot units in Denmark and in the Faroe Islands. Additionally, the project is using the “breakthrough” method, as a framework. The intention is to accelerate the work with improvement through earning and exchange of experience.


The aim of the evaluation is to explore the implementation of Safe Psychiatry with a view to extract learning and knowledge, which can strengthen the improvement work in the psychiatry in general. The evaluation is based on the following research questions:

  • Which factors are important for implementation?
  • How, and under which circumstances does Safe Psychiatry work in practice?


The theoretical basis of the evaluation is realistic evaluation theory (Pawson & Tilly 1997). Realistic evaluation centre on the conditions under which an initiative can be implemented, and through which it attains its effect. Focus is on the organizational conditions and the reasoning of the involved actors, practice, and social interactions.

The evaluation applies a qualitative approach. Data collection consists of: semi structured interviews, focus group interviews, and observations at the eight psychiatric units who participate in the project.

Period of project

The project is completed.

Last Updated 15.08.2023