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The Institute


We are the only institute in Denmark that has a centre for intervention research within the field of public health science. We have 10 years of experience with intervention research and embrace a broad range of methods and topics. We have sound knowledge of the risk factors that challenge public health. However, we need more knowledge about how we can most effectively transform this knowledge into practice through successful interventions that specifically improve the health and living conditions of the Danish people, as well as knowledge about how to sustain the viability of the projects when they end. We will generate this knowledge in the years to come.

Our goals

  • We will take part in the development of theory and methods for the purpose of  designing effective interventions and evaluating these using the most appropriate research design.
  • We will carry out research into what measures are effective, for whom and under what conditions.
  • We will carry out research into how best to implement measures in a given context by involving relevant stakeholders and target­ groups in the development of these measures.
  • We will ensure that research results are applied­ in practice, amongst other things by establishing strate­gic partnerships with relevant actors.
  • We will ensure that the measures that are effective continue in practice once they are fully developed.
Interventions Research

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Last Updated 01.08.2023