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Research Unit of General Practice


PhD degrees awarded in 2024:

Active Kids, Healthy Bodies - Physical Activity Promotion in Schools - An investigation of leisure-time sports, healthcare-seeking behaviour, and physical activity tracking in children
Charlotte Raadkjaer Lykkegaard
Spiritual needs in Denmark – A population-based survey linked to Danish nationwide registers
Tobias Anker Stripp

PhD degrees awarded in 2023:

Quality clusters in Danish general practice
Maria Bundgaard

PhD degrees awarded in 2022:

Caring for vulnerable pregnant women in general practice - General practitioners’ challenges of assessing, collaborating, and reporting on vulnerable pregnant women
Influence of physicians’ religiosity and spirituality on their clinical practice – an international comparative study


PhD degrees awarded in 2021:

Antibiotic prescription in Danish general practice: Determinants for variation in use of microbiological diagnostic methods and patterns of prescription

Rikke Vognbjerg Sydenham 


Exploring statin use and discontinuation in older persons

Wade Thompson


PhD degrees awarded in 2020:

The Partnership Project - Multidisciplinary video consultations between cancer patient, general practitioner and oncologist

Theis Bitz Trabjerg


PhD degrees awarded in 2019:

In That Most Secular of Rooms. The Religious Patient in Secular Psychiatry: A qualitative study of how psychiatrists in Danish psychiatric practice approach religious patients

Ricko Damberg Nissen

Traffic accidents, falls, and clinical management of hip fractures among people with dementia  

Jindong Ding Petersen

Epidemiological approaches towards describing treatment and course of COPD in the general population  

Mette Reilev


Targeting and uptake of stepwise approaches to prevent chronic disease in the Danish primary care sector – a cross sectional analysis of three interventions    

Lars Bruun Larsen 

PhD degrees awarded in 2018:

Awake during respiratory treatment. A qualitative study of patients' and nurses' experiences, actions and interactions when the patient is awake without sedation during respiratory treatment on an intensive care unit
Eva  Ann Lærkner 

Occupational therapy for persons living with chronic conditions - Development and feasibility of the ABLE program 
Kristina Tomra Nielsen

Beliefs and values of Danish physicians - And  implications for Clinical practice
Christian Balslev van Randwijk

Impact of socioeconomic position and distance on access and treatment of patients with depressive disorders in Denmark
Aake Packness

Long-term Lifestyle Behavioural Support Intervention and Ehealth Applications (LIVA)
Carl J. Brandt

A good cancer? Anthropological perspectives on uterine cancer and accelerated patient care 
Anne Sidenius

Medical engagement in general practice – a questionnaire and register-based study
Peder Ahnfeldt-Mollerup

Efficacy of the ‘Cancer Home-Life Intervention’ in people with advanced cancer living at home: an occupation-focused and occupation-based intervention
Marc Sampedro Pilegaard

PhD degrees awarded in 2017:

Forming the self in daily life at home when living with advanced cancer
Jesper Larsen Mærsk

Engagement in everyday activities and quality of life for people with advanced cancer at home 
Hanne Peoples

Follow-up of early stage endometrial cancer – A valuable medical intervention or a dispensable force of habit?
Mette Moustgaard Jeppesen

Symptoms in the general population – determinants for healthcare seeking

Sandra Elnegaard

Associations between task delegation and job satisfaction, motivation, and quality of care in general practice - a questionnaire- and register-based study
Helle Riisgaard

PhD degrees awarded in 2016:

Implementation of evidence-based knowledge in general practice – an interview, questionnaire and register-based study
Jette Videbæk Le

The effect of GPs’ and patients’ attitudes towards risk on patients’ adherence to statin treatment – an interview, questionnaire and register based study
Benedicte Lind Barfoed

Self-Efficacy and Rehabilitation of Patients with Fibromyalgia
Marianne Uggen Rasmussen

Traumatic Childbirth from the Perspective of the Healthcare Professional
Katja Schrøder

Development and Validation of Scales and Questionnaire for the Monitoring and Evaluation of Danes’ UV exposure as a Scientific Tool to reduce the Prevalence of Skin Cancer
Brian Køster

Development and Evaluation of an Adaptational Program: Occupational Therapy for People with Chronic Health Conditions
Cecilie von Bülow

Gynecological cancer alarm symptoms in the general population – prevalences, contacts to specialist and diagnoses
Kirubakaran Balasubramaniam

Prescribing of antisecretory medication in general practice
Peter Fentz Haastrup

PhD degrees awarded in 2015:

Towards improved decision quality in person-centred healthcare: exploring the implications of decision support via Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis  - Related papers with 5 publications
Mette Kjer Kaltoft

Gastrointestinal symptoms in the general population - Prevalences, overlap and contact to general practice  
Sanne Preus Hatting (Sanne Rasmussen)

Dyadic coping, relationship quality and depressive symptoms of couples dealing with breast cancer: Longitudinal studies based on the Danish Couples and Breast Cancer Cohort
Nina Rottmann

Generic substitution – patient-related factors and non-persistence
Jette Østergaard Rathe

Motherhood transition through an existential lens
Christina Prinds

Hand in Hand. Psychological attachment-oriented intervention for breast cancer patients and partners in the early treatment phase. A randomised controlled trial
Anne Nicolaisen

Otitis media in children: Short-term course of the disease, antibiotic prescribing, and quality of life
Christina Trankjær Ryborg

Rehabilitation among women with gynecological cancer: Forming goals, personal attachment and quality of life
Kamila Adellund Holt

In the presence of death: a qualitative study on how hospice patients and their relatives address existential aspects of life when close to death
Lene Moestrup

PhD degrees awarded in 2014:

Cancer alarm symptoms and healthcare-seeking behaviour in the general population
Rikke Pilsgaard Svendsen

Danish cancer patients’ rehabilitation needs, participation in rehabilitation activities and unmet needs
Lise Vilstrup Holm

Analysis of the correlation between structure, social capital and relational coordination in general practice
Sanne Lykke Lundstrøm

Occupational therapy for cancer patients – a randomised, controlled study
Line Lindahl (Line Lindahl-Jacobsen)

Organisational social capital in general practice
Thomas Bøllingtoft Knudsen

How postgraduate medical education can facilitate the development of medical expertise from newly graduated doctors to experienced medical specialists
Niels Kristian Kjær

PhD degrees awarded in 2013:

Irritable bowel syndrome: Management and treatment in primary care
Luise Mølenberg Begtrup

Hypertension in general practice: Medical and patient related factors associated with regulating hypertension in patients treated in general practice in Denmark
Maja Skov Paulsen

COPD hospitalisations in Denmark 2002 – 2009: Factors influencing the incidence, prevalence, and lifetime risk

Jesper Lykkegaard

Cancer patients’ rehabilitation in a coherent health care system: a randomised controlled study
Stinne Holm Bergholdt

Spirometry utilisation among Danish adults initiating medication targeting obstructive lung disease 
Mette Koefoed

Risk communication for prevention of cardiovascular disease: Impact of format of effectiveness information on lay people's and patients' decisions to accept cholesterol-lowering therapy
Charlotte Gry Harmsen

Hypertension in general practice: Treatment, socioeconomic factors and comorbidities
Maja Skov Paulsen

PhD degrees awarded in 2012:

Diagnostic pathways for women with gynaecological cancer
Mai Partridge Vandborg

Living with and dealing with cancer: a litterature study of published danish books on cancer stories - with special focus on existential and aesthetic aspects
Nina Henriksen

Quality indicators for diagnosis and treatment of respiratory tract infections in general practice
Malene Plejdrup Hansen

The organisation of primary care and the agency relationship: A project on preference elicitation emphasising the discrete choice experiment
Line Bjørnskov Pedersen


PhD degrees awarded in 2011:

Patient-, general practitioner- and process factors in decisions of the Danish Patient Complaints Board
Søren Fryd Birkeland


PhD degrees awarded in 2010:

Narrative flexibility with cancer patients: cancer patients' stories on established and alternative treatment
Anita Ulrich

PhD degrees awarded in 2007:

The postmodern patient perspective: exchanging strategies and experiences through an online support group
Kjeld Bruun-Jensen

Ph.D. degrees awarded in 2005:

Communication among mental health nurses: a field study of mental health nursing practices
Niels Buus


Last Updated 24.05.2024