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Services and prices

Private companies as well as university researchers and PhD students can have access to the UAS Test Center’s facilities on a rental or consultancy basis.

If you are interested in using the laboratories, please contact us, so we can discuss your project and needs for assistance. The cost of using the labs will be agreed upon from project to project, but you find some estimated prices in the table below.

Additionally, there will be user charge for materials.

System Integration Lab Use of lab equipment 500 DKK per hour Jussi Hermansen
+45 9350 7396
Composite Lab Use of lab equipment Individual agreement Yasser Hannan
+45 6550 7193
Motion Capture System  Use of  equipment 1000 DKK per hour Jussi Hermansen
+45 9350 7396
 Motion Table  Use of equipment  1000 DKK per hour  Jussi Hermansen
+45 9350 7396
 Wind Wall  Use of equipment  1000 DKK per hour Jussi Hermansen
+45 9350 7396
Consultancy in the laboratories Consultancy and practical assistance in the labs 1250 DKK per hour Contact lab managers
 SORA application  Consultancy in filling out SORA application  1250 DKK per hour Jussi Hermansen
+45 9350 7396
 BVLOS flight  Facilitation of BVLOS flight incl. route planning, Notam and DFA service  1250 DKK per hour Jussi Hermansen
+45 9350 7396
Rental of facilities for events Workshops, conferences, demonstrations etc.  Individual agreement Ulrik Pagh Schultz Lundquist
+45 6550 3570

Last Updated 02.01.2023