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Admission process - what happens when and what to do?

Application deadline for all applicants with a Non –Danish qualifying examination is 15 March, noon. 

Programme start is 1 September (only Medicine has another programme start on 1 February – application deadline remains the same)

Application deadline for all applicants with a Danish qualifying examination (incl. Duborg, A.P. Møller)is 5 July, noon.

You have to apply online , the system opens on 1 February.

  1. Apply online via the national application system (KOT) via and upload all required documents - follow the 7 steps to apply
  2. You receive a confirmation mail with your username and password for the online Admission Self Service site where you have to follow the status of your application. Daily.
  3. If you fulfill the entry requirements, you either get invited for the aptitude test (uniTEST) or you have to wait until you receive an answer on 26 July
    NON-EU/EEA applicants: You receive an admission/rejection mail at the end of May and your status on the Self Service site changes (acceptance/rejection). In case of an admission mail, it includes payment instructions for attending the programme as well. Once you have paid and the money is in our account, we start the  visa application (Danish residence permit).
    EU applicants: You have to check your Self Service Site. On 26 July, you will get the information if you are accepted or not - read the status thoroughly and follow the instructions.
  4. You are accepted.
    Non-EU applicants: Your tuition fees must be paid before 1 July.
    EU applicants: Confirm your spot before 6 August via the Self Service site.
  5. After your confirmation/payment, you will receive a username and password to access a website where you must upload a picture of you for ordering your student /ID card. Write down your examination number which is mentioned during this step - The ID card is your identification/key to the examinations and the University building as well as your copy/print card. The student ID will be handed out to you on your first day at University.
  6. You will receive a username and password for the IT facilities at the University of Southern Denmark. Keep it close to you - you will need it daily once you are started.
  7. Keep yourself updated via our site Introduction days and find your programme (Introduction days for international students > pick the town where your programme takes place or pick the Faculty you are registered for).

Please notice that all communication will be digital, you will not receive any paper versions, i.e. make sure you register the correct mail address.

Admission Office University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: +45 6550 1051

Last Updated 11.02.2022