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Signe Banke

Why did you choose to study Cand.merc. Market Anthropology?

I found this to be the natural extension of my bachelors in Market & Management Anthropology - a program I was very happy with. Anthropology is a great interest of mine - whereever I go, I'm always fascinated by human practices - and to use the insights that this field offers in markets is not only what I fancy to do, but also what I believe to be the future.

How do you like the study environment at the campus?

Very much. At first SDU seems overwhelmingly big and complex with its many halls. However over time it growns on you and as you start to find your way around, find your perfect spot for reading (I love the 24/7 reading hall) or taking a break (the small gardens in between the halls are great on sunny days) and hang with your friends in the Friday-bar all of this concrete doesn't seem so alien anymore.

What would you like to say to someone who is interested in studying the same Master as yours?

If you'd like to get into the field equipped with ethnographic methods and collect your own data, this is the right place for you. Beside gaining practical experience from this, it also implies that you can tailor the study to fit your special interests. And moreover, the professors teaching the program want you to: they're genuinely interested in our inputs.


Last Updated 13.02.2024