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Thomas Rix Rasmussen

 Why did you choose to study a Master in Market Anthropology?

I chose the master in Market Anthropology because this seemed to trigger my interest the most.  The bachelor degree in Strategic Communication gave me a strong interest in advanced consumer behavior and marketing from a more socio-cultural aspect, while most of the Cand.merc. approaches business from a managerial perspective, in a traditional sense. The master in Market Anthropology allows for a different approach, being focused in anthropology.

The opportunity to do a fieldwork in the 3rd semester, had a big influence on the choice, because Market Anthropology is the only profile that offers this. This give a great opportunity for first-hand experience in what it means to do research, and not just a vague knowledge about it. 

How do you like the study environment at the campus?

The study environment at the campus is great. The university is big so there is always a study spot if one is willing to explore the campus. The library and the study are especially good if one is in need of a place to focus. The people are great as well.

It is easy to meet people from other programs, due to the classes that are offered to multiple profiles. The teachers take an interest in their students and are always willing to help in any study-related matter.

What would you like to say to someone who is interested in studying the same Master as yours?

I highly recommend the Market and Anthropology profile, for anyone who is interested in all the psychological, sociological and anthropological aspects of consumer behavior.

It is a profile that explores, goes in-depth and is a gives the fundamentals for students who are interested in anthropology, but with business as a focus point.

Department of Sociology, Environmental and Business Economics University of Southern Denmark

  • Degnevej 14
  • Esbjerg Ø - DK-6705
  • Phone: +45 6550 1000

Last Updated 13.02.2024