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Courses within Business, Economics and Social Sciences

Within the field of business, economics and social sciences, we offer five courses - below, you will find more information about each course.

Please check the individual course descriptions for possible prerequisites and remember to see at which campus it is offered.



Communicating Psychological Insights Through Interactive Exhibits

Major science communication institutions such as The Exploratorium (San Francisco), Science Centre Singapore, Miraikan (Tokyo) and Denmark’s own Experimentarium*, and Universe** offer exciting ways to inspire and educate through interactive exhibits - often involving multi-sensory and whole bodied-interaction. However, their focus is on natural sciences and engineering topics. Much less explored is how UX design can contribute to public engagement with social science and behavioral science topics through embodied exhibit design.

This summer school course addresses the challenge of how typical citizens might become enthused about psychology research through interacting with installations and interventions in public and semi-public spaces. Students will make ethnographic observations of user behavior in both outdoor places and Danish museums. Then be facilitated to complete a full design process which culminates in the exhibition and evaluation of interactive life size prototypes that communicate psychological theories or insights.

This is an interdisciplinary investigation with an emphasis on learning through making, but lectures will provide a theoretical basis for students’ hands-on engagement. We expect to involve expert faculty from areas such as anthropology, behavior design, citizen science, design cultures, engineering, human-robot interaction, industrial design, game design, interactive arts, learning science, science communication, and user experience design.

Course description | Level: Master | Offered in Kolding | Offered by: Department of Design, Media and Educational Science



Decision, Persuation, and Negotiation

Like it or not, we have to make numerous decisions every day, and most of our decisions concern how to persuade, how to negotiate, and how to exert influence on other people. Being effective in decision making, persuasion and negotiation is indispensable to be successful in almost any profession. Research has shown, however, even intelligent people are biased in ways that seriously limit the quality of their decisions and compromise their potential in persuading and influencing others.
This course covers the rationales that drive human behavior and the common biases that affect the quality of decisions, with a thorough examination of behavioral perspectives on decision-making, persuasion, and negotiation. Students will learn how to apply the principles covered in class through lectures, discussions, negotiation role-simulation exercises, decision-making experiments, and persuasion presentation.

Course description | Level: Bachelor | Offered in Odense | Offered by: Department of Economics



Geoeconomics, Statecraft and International Security

News cycles are replete with information about how China is weaponizing access to its market to obtain political concessions from other states, or how Russia aims at evading economic sanctions. The neoliberal globalization that followed the end of the Cold War and spread across the Globe in the 1990s has accelerated the mutual interdependence of national economies, but has not eliminated political competition. In the context of a return of great power rivalries, states are now incentivized to use economic tools for political objectives, and in return try to protect themselves from such vulnerabilities. But this politicization of economics creates a dilemma between prosperity and security, which many states are struggling to solve. This class will discuss such dilemmas, the ways economic issues are used for political gains, and the instruments that Denmark and the EU are developing in order to protect themselves in this new geoeconomic context.

Course description | Level: Master (advanced bachelors may be accepted) | Offered in Odense | Offered by: Department of Political Science and Public Management



Introduction to R

R is one of the most popular programming languages in data science, statistics, and other quantitative sciences, with a growing number of users and organizations using it. It is a free, powerful, versatile, and easy to use tool for data analytics and visualization. The course will help you master R, from installation to basic statistics. You will learn general programming features and how to analyze and visualize data.

Prospective students of MSc in Population Studies at SDU without prior knowledge of R are encouraged to take the course.

Course description | Level: Bachelor | Offered in Odense | Offered by: Faculty of Business and Social Sciences



Systematic Review

The course provides you with practical tools for preparing a systematic review. This involves being able to conduct a systematic literature search and then perform a systematic analysis and presentation of data. The course also includes an introduction to communicating the systematic review. The course combines lectures and practical exercises where you prepare a review within a subject area of your choice.

Course description | Level: Bachelor | Offered in Kolding | Offered by: Faculty of Humanities



Last Updated 27.05.2024