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Meet the students online

They have all been through it. The choice of study program, introduction days, the experience of moving to a new city or country, and meeting new acquaintances. Starting at SDU involves a new everyday life with lectures, study groups, large curriculum and a high commitment. Our students are happy to share their experience with you and answer any questions your might have.

Arrange an online meeting, or send a message

Whether you have programme specific questions, or you want to hear more about studying at SDU, everyday life in Denmark etc., our  students are ready to help you.

Below you can find contact information for our students from all our English programmes.

Questions regarding admission:  Contact the Admission office.

Arrange an online meeting or get an answer by email
No matter who you want to contact, you choose whether you want to arrange an online meeting, e.g. via Skype, Zoom or Teams, or if you prefer to send them a message and get an answer by email. We think an online meeting provides an extra good opportunity for dialogue and for our students to present their programme, but the choice is of course yours. If you indicate that you would like to meet online, the student will contact you and make an appointment.


Examples of questions:

  • How is the academic level?
  • How is the structure of the study programme?
  • What does your schedule look like?


  • What is it like living in Denmark?
  • Can you tell me more about the campus city?
  • How is the international environment at SDU?