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A jigsaw with pieces from the middle ages

International PhD scholars explore medieval fragments in the Special Collections at SDU.

By Jakob Povl Holck, , 6/11/2024

At SDU, two PhD scholars from the EU financed project AntCom are analyzing fragments of medieval handwritings, owned by the university library. The challenge consists in reading the texts, for instance by using hyperspectral photographing, and placing them in a larger context. Anna Charlotte Epple is affiliated with HUM, while Baharan Pourahmadi-Meibodi comes from TEK.

In the image above, the AntCom team is visiting Herlufsholm Skole. Anna Charlotte Epple and Baharan Pourahmadi-Meibodi are standing in the door frame, respectively to the left and right.
Learn more

AntCom is a transnational, european collaboration between reseachers from many specializations. Read more about AntComs goals and projects on their website.


Editing was completed: 11.06.2024