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About Special Collections

We work to secure, register, digitize and promote the collections in order to make our wide range of material accessable by researchers and students, either in physical or digital form. We have explored multiple interdisciplinary methods to gain more knowledge of the archaic material:

  • Multi- and hyperspectral photographing has made it possible to find hidden handwritings in several books.
  • Through roentgen analysis, we have discovered multiple poisonous books in our collections.
  • We are experimenting with the use of artificial intelligens to speed up registration.

The collections range from the 16th century onwards, with a modest number of incunabula. The fragmentary material of the special collections stretch back to the 10th century.

Contact us

Special Collections

Mogens Kragsig Jensen, Team leader

Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: +45 6550 2100

Last Updated 02.07.2024