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New book "Et Aldrende Danmark" published with contributions from DIAS affiliates

"Et Aldrende Danmark" by Torben M. Andersen og Jan Rose Skaksen is the newest publication from the Rockwool Foundation with contributions from DIAS Chairs, Kaare Christensen and the late James Vaupel, and DIAS Senior Fellow, Pieter Vanhuysse. 

Af Yasemin Yar, , 04-04-2022

The newest publication from the Rockwool Foundation includes contributions from DIAS Chairs, Kaare Christensen and the late James Vaupel, and DIAS Senior Fellow, Pieter Vanhuysse. 

In the book "Et Aldrende Danmark" researchers analyse the extend of demographic changes and the individual and societal consequences with an interdisciplinary approach.

The book analyses how we understand healthy aging, the size and coverage of retirement benefits, the sociology behind aging, inequality and old age, the possibilities technology allows today and the welfare states economic benefits for the elderly. 

This book is the first publication from the Rockwool Foundation's research project about the elderly. 

You can find more information about "Et Aldrende Danmark" here.


Redaktionen afsluttet: 04.04.2022