- Whole genome sequencing of bacteria, viruses, and fungi with Illumina and Oxford Nanopore technologies. We have great capacity and have Illumina Nextseq 2000, Oxford Nanopore GridIon and P2i at our disposal. Automated cleaning robots and library-preparation robots.
- Amplicon-based sequencing for example bacterial DNA, 16S, microbiome, fungal DNA, 18S, parasites.
- Metagenome sequencing (mNGS) for unbiased detection of all microbial DNA in sample materials.
Research projects
- Characteristics of faecal microbiome from patients on immunosuppressive treatment (Collaborative project with Frontline Center ICITox, Research Unit for Oncology, Odense University Hospital).
- Optimization of amplicon-based diagnostics of bacterial infections (16S).Uncovering the incidence of healthcare-associated blood poisoning.
- Decentralized typing of Salmonella infections using whole genome sequencing.
- Optimizing the identification of yeast and mold infections.
- FastTrax – Fast methods for tracing bacterial outbreaks (Collaborative project with Department for Bacteria, Parasites and Fungi, Statens Serum Institut)