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Extended Underway Seminar for Ph.D. Fellows at ISK

Date: 5 December 2022
Time:  08:30-15:45
Location: Rainbow Room, Campus Kollegiet, Campusvej 1, 5230 Odense M 
Practical information  Cindie will send participants the necessary elevator code.
Catering:  Coffee and tea, rolls, and lunch will be provided
Organizer and facilitator: Cindie Maagaard -
ECTS: 0,5



Extended Underway Seminar for PhD-Fellows at ISK


This extended underway seminar for fellows at ISK takes the form of an “away day” for shared silent co-working peppered with shared activities. Its purpose is to offer a supportive environment for setting one or more goals for the day and for independent, concentrated work, whether reading, writing, or working on analysis. We will discuss an article about academic writing, and our Ph.D. coach, Nina Nørgaard, will join us for an informal roundtable during lunch.



Arrival. Coffee and rolls available 



State your goal(s) for the day


 Discussion of article, “Why Academic Writing Stinks and How to Fix It”




 Concentrated independent work time


 Lunch (provided), quick progress report, and roundtable with Coach Nina Nørgaard


Concentrated independent work time (coffee available)


 Wrap-up: Did you reach your goals? Why/why not?    



  1. Formulate your work task(s) and goal(s) for the day.
  2. Read and reflect on the article, “Why Academic Writing Stinks and How to Fix It”. How do Pinker’s assertions about writing resonate with your own practice? Which points can you use, which might you reject? (Article is sent to participants.)
  3. Prepare thoughts and questions for the roundtable with Nina Nørgaard by considering your well-being as a Ph.D. fellow, including what challenges you might be facing with respect to motivation, stress, worries and anything else on your mind.





Our events are open free of charge to PhD students from our own program, and from all other programs provided they also offer tuition free of charge to our students. ’Soon-to-be’ Phd students may also attend with permission from the event instructors and the Program Director, whom you should first contact if this applies to you (Cindie Aaen Maagaard at We are also very happy if members of staff wish to attend, particularly PhD supervisors, and will accommodate them in lieu of space. We ask all who attend an event to register. You’ll find the online registration form on the same page as the event description.

Sidst opdateret: 11.08.2023