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How to become a hazel dormouse ambassador

An important part of the research is to find out where the hazel dormouse lives. However, it can be a challenge to spot a hazel dormouse in the forest, as it is a shy and nocturnal species. But there are several signs that can reveal the presence of the hazel dormouse, such as gnawed nuts on the forest floor and nests in the undergrowth. Therefore, we need your help to find out where the hazel dormouse lives in Denmark.

You can contribute to the research and become a hazel dormouse ambassador in four different ways:

  1. Nut hunting
    Go hunting for fallen hazelnuts and acorns in the forest. The hazel dormouse does not clean up after itself, so you might be lucky to find nuts on the forest floor that have been eaten by a hazel dormouse. If you find a nut with gnaw marks, holes, or other openings, bring them home and find out if the hazel dormouse has been at play. Put the nuts in a bag and drop them off at one of the nut stations. Remember to note where you found the nuts so we can use your finds for important research.

  2. Collect owl pellets
    Look for owl pellets in the forest. The hazel dormouse is prey for owls and other birds of prey. Owl pellets can therefore be used to detect hazel dormice. If you find owl pellets on your walk, put them in a bag and drop them off at one of the nut stations. Remember to note where you found the pellets so the find can be used for research.

  3. Finda nest
    The hazel dormouse builds a very special nest of grass, leaves, and other plant material, which it uses in the summer. If you are lucky enough to spot such a nest while out walking, it is important that you do not touch it, as this can disturb the hazel dormouse. Instead, take photos of the nest and send them to the researchers, along with the location where it was found.

  4. Invite the hazel dormouse to visit
    Build and install a hazel dormouse hotel in your backyard! Do you have a forest or a wild fence on your property, where you suspect a hazel dormouse might be hiding? Then build a nice nesting box that it can use during the summer. Leave the box hanging throughout the year and check during the winter to see if you have had a visit from the hazel dormouse.

All these activities can contribute with valuable information to the research on the distribution of the hazel dormouse and help put the hazel dormouse on the map. Click here to find the guides on how to become a hazel dormouse ambassador.


Help the hazel dormouse

The project will take place in August 2024, when the first nuts will be found in the autumn. Owl pellets can be found year-round. The hazel dormouse’s summer nest can be seen year-round, but is easier to spot when the leaves fall from the trees. The nesting boxes can be installed year-round, but it is important that they are first checked the following winter.

We know that the hazel dormouse lives in Southern Funen, Central, and Southern Zealand, as well as in Draved Skov. However, we do not know much about the hazel dormouse's distribution outside these areas and would like to investigate more locations. It is known that the hazel dormouse was previously present in Southeast Jutland and on Langeland, but no recent finds have been made. Therefore, we welcome finds from across the country to get the best possible picture of the hazel dormouse's distribution.


On the map above, you can see the distribution of the hazel dormouse in 10x10 km squares from a NOVANA monitoring in 2018-2019. The green squares indicate positive finds, and the open squares show surveyed areas without finds.




Last Updated 26.09.2024