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PhD projects

We occasionally have PhD projects available. If you are interested in applying for fellowships to join our group as a PhD student, please contact one of the PIs in our group.

Master’s thesis projects

Master’s degree students in Biology at the University of Southern Denmark are required to do a Master’s thesis project.

The aim of the project is to enable students to demonstrate their ability to handle biologically relevant professional functions and to acquire the professional knowledge and theoretical and methodological tools that enable them to identify, formulate, and solve problems in biology. The thesis work can be carried out individually or in groups of two students. The thesis writing and final presentation are individual-based.

The projects differ every year and are typically linked to the most recent research activity of the group. The project ends with a oral defence during, which the student presents their work to thier supervisor and an external examiner. 

Read more about Master’s thesis projects in Biology at

Individual study activities

Individual study activities (also known as research projects or individual projects) are designed to enable students to undertake small research projects.

An individuel study activity is done over the course of one semester long and usually has a scope of 5 or 10 ECTS. The project is based on the research interests of the student who will carry out an independent project in the supervisor’s research area.

The student is expected to have fundamental biological knowledge and an understanding of scientific argumentation. The project aims to enhance the student’s skills in formulating and solving scientific problems, conducting investigations, and applying scientific theories and methods.  The assessment is based on a written report.

Read more about individual study activities at

Company project

A company project is a 15 or 30 ECTS elective that allows students to apply their academic knowledge in real-world professional settings. Open only to Master’s degree students, it requires the project to be conducted outside the university in either the public or private sector. Students must independently find and partner with a company, guided by a list of companies with whom the Department of Biology collaborates.

A contract outlining the responsibilities of the student, the company, and the university, respectively, must be signed before starting. The project description needs approval from the Study Board and an internal university supervisor, ensuring a practical, hands-on learning experience bridging academic theory and professional application.

Read more about company projects at

Bachelor projects

A Bachelor project is a mandatory 10 or 15 ECTS project within the framework of the Bachelor’s degree programme.

The project enables students to demonstrate their skills in independently handling a specific biological topic, from problem identification to resolution and discussion. It involves exploring a chosen problem within any biological subfield, integrating theoretical and practical scientific approaches, possibly including original research or modelling, and culminating in a scientific report.

The topic of the project depends on the student’s research interests and should be related to the supervisor’s area of expertise.

Read more about Bachelor projects at (in Danish only).

Last Updated 07.08.2024