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PhD projects and masters


2011- 2014 Heidi Lausten Munk: Spondyloarthritis and psoriatric arthritis. Aspects of cartilage metabolism and innate immune defence in relation to clinical phenotype and disease activity. Main supervisor: P Junker. Co-supervisors: L Ejstrup, AF Christensen, GL Sørensen.

2011- 2014 Christian Ammitzbøl: The complement system and pattern recognition receptors in early DMARD-naive reumatoid arthritis patients. Main supervisor K. Stengaard-Pedersen, Co-supervisor Torkell Elllingsen.

2011- 2014 Thøger Persson: Treatment of epicondylitis lateralis - (tennis elbow) with platelet enriched plasma - a RCT study, metanalysis and ultrasound project. Main supervisor: Torkell Ellingsen, co-supervisor: U. Fredberg, K. Stengaard-Pedersen, R. Christensen.

2012- 2015 Kasper Søltoft: Sammenhængen mellem hyperurikæmi, uratsænkende behandling og hjertekarsygdom.
Et farmakologisk studie. Main supervisor: J Hallas. Co-supervisor: H Lindegaard, A Pottegård.

2011- 2015 Susan Due Kay: Cardiovascular disease in systemic lupus erythematosus. Ultrasonographic and serologic risk factors in a population-based cohort. Main supervisor: A Voss. Co-supervisors: MK Poulsen, ACP Diederichsen.

2012- 2015 Saida Farah Issa: Cartilage metabolism and carbohydrate binding molecules in early, undifferentiated arthritis and long-standing rheumatoid arthritis. Main supervisor: P Junker. Co-supervisors:  H Lindegaard, AF Christensen, GL Sørensen.

2013- 2016 Natasja Stæhr Gudmann: Prediction of progression and response to therapy in rheumatoid arthritis.
Development and first clinical application of a new biochemical marker of cartilage metabolism. Main supervisor: P Junker. Co-supervisor: AC Bay-Jensen.

2014- 2016 Anders Nørkær Jørgensen: Effekten af lavintensiv muskeltræning med partiel restriktion af blodgennemstrømning på degenerativ signalering, muskelvækst stimulering og neuromotorisk funktion hos patienter med inklusionslegememyositis. Main supervisor: L Diederichsen. Co-supervisors: P Aagaard, U Frandsen.

2014- 2016 Mai Nguyen: Risiko for infektioner ved biologisk behandling af reumatoid artrit patienter. Main supervisor: N Friis-Møller. Co-supervisors: H Lindegaard, P Raun.

2014- 2017 Mette Herly: Vitamin D as a prognostic marker in rheumatoid arthritis (RA): Disease activity, treatment response and cardiopulmonary
co-morbidity in early DMARD-naïve patients and chronic RA patients follow up for 10 years. Main supervisor: T Ellingsen. Co-supervisors: P Vestergaard, TB Laurberg, K Stengaard-Pedersen, R Christensen.

2015- 2018 Søren Andreas Just: Fibrocytes in early and longstanding Rheumatoid Arthritis. Main supervisor: H Lindegaard. Co-supervisor: H Schrøder.

2016- 2019 Maja Skov Kragsnæs: New diagnostic and prognostic aspects in psoriatic arthritis. Main supervisor: T Ellingsen. Co-supervisors: U Fredberg, JK Pedersen, R Christensen.

2016- 2019 Rikke Asmussen Andreasen: Clinical characteristics and patient reported outcomes in patients with spondyloarthropathies. Main supervisor: IMJ Hansen. Co-supervisors: T Ellingsen, R Christensen, LE Kristensen.

2017- 2020 Dzenan Masic: Lipids, circulating IL-6 and IL-6-receptor polymorphy as markers for cardiovascular co-morbidity, disease activity and response to therapy in early DMARD and steroid naive rheumatoid arthritis patients. Main supervisor: T. Ellingsen. Co-supervisors: K. Stengaard-Pedersen, BB Løgstrup, CH Nielsen, R Christensen.

2017- 2020 Laila Twistmann Bay: Everyday Life with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Understanding patients' perceptions of disease, treatment, gender, body, sexuality and social life in an outpatient setting. A Mixed Methods Study. Main supervisor: T. Ellingsen. Co-supervisor: DS Nielsen, A Giraldi, C Graugaard. Internationalization: S Hewlett, E Dures (Bristol UK).

2017- 2020 Isabella W. Paulsen: Early diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis and spondylarthropathy. Project group: OBV Pedersen, C Erikstrup, H Hjalgrim, H Ullum, A Svendsen, H Munk, GB Jemec, P Junker, N Pallisgaard, J Troelsen.

2017- 2020 Amir Emamifar: Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Giant cell arteritis-three challenges-consequences of the vasculitis process, osteoporosis and malignancy. Supervisors: PT Rønn, IMJ Hansen, T Ellingsen.

2019-2022 Sabrina Mai Nielsen: Contextual factors in rheumatology: A PhD study within biostatistics and clinical epidemiology. Main supervisor: R Christensen. Co-supervisors: T Ellingsen, P tugwell, G Wells.

2019-2025 Melanie Morillon: Gout and Comorbidity. Main supervisor: IM Jensen Hansen. Co-supervisors T Ellingsen, R Christensen, L Stamp (Christchurst, New Zealand), AML Svensson.

Prospective PhD studies

Sine Søndergaard Korsholm: Heart Involvement and Autoantibody Profile in Myositis. Main supervisor: LP Diederichsen. Supervisors: ACP Diederichsen, H Chinoy (Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, England), R Pecini.

Philip Rask Lage-Hansen: Can unexplainable pain in rheumatoid arthritis be explained ? Supervisors: T Ellingsen, R Christensen, U Fredberg, K Amris.

Bjørk Khaliqi: Biomarkers in lung-involvement in rheumatoid arthritis. Main supervisor: T Ellingsen. Co-supervisors: C Hyldgaard, GL Sørensen, R Christensen, HL Munk.

Last Updated 28.09.2021