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Design and load-bearing capacity determination of 3D robot-printed concrete structures

Project idea and objective

The use of robots for the production of 3d-printed concrete structures is developing rapidly and it is now possible to print large concrete elements. By using robots to print concrete structures, it is feasible to design concrete structures in completely new ways. Here, there will no longer be a need for expensive and time-consuming molds for casting the concrete. In addition, it also means that the concrete can be placed where it is needed and thus it will be possible to save on the concrete, to the benefit of both the economy and the environment.

This project is considered the first step towards standardizing the way you can document the material properties of your printed construction and how these material properties can be used to calculate the bearing capacity of printed constructions.

The project will give the companies involved a head start in relation to knowledge about bearing capacity calculation and design of printed concrete structures. On the basis of the present project, it will be possible to calculate to a greater extent the bearing capacity of printed constructions - both analytically and numerically. This is a prerequisite for the next step, which is about utilizing the potential of printed constructions for optimization and material saving.

Participants SDU
Project Leader; Henrik Brøner Jørgensen, University of Southern Denmark
Roberto Naboni, SDU.CREATE, University of Southern Denmark
Christian Schlette, Large Structures Production LSP, University of Southern Denmark

Participating companies
Bygkontrol ApS,
3DCP Group,

Financing: We Build Denmark and participating companies

Period: dec 2022 - nov 2024

SDU Civil and Architectural Engineering University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: +45 6550 7450

Last Updated 04.06.2024