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U-space opens for tests over Funen

Denmark’s first UTM-platform (U-Space), that will make sure autonomous drones don’t collide with other things in the airspace, opens on 23rd. of October.

This happens, when Minister of Transportation Benny Engelbrecht launces the first tests at HCA Airport near Odense.

The UTM-platform is a digital traffic management system, that controls that drones and other aircrafts can fly safely side by side in 100m altitude.

More about the project U-Space Funen

Selected press

Denmark’s initial national UTM system goes live in Funen, Unmanned Airspace, 2 November 2020
Selvflyvende droner skal testes over Fyn,, 23 October 2020
Selvflyvende droner over Danmark rykker tættere på,Berlingske, 23 October 2020

Editing was completed: 23.10.2020