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Fodbold for livet

Læs de nyeste publikationer og udgivelser fra Fodbold for livet:

Reviews on Football as Medicine February 2020 (PDF)

Football as Medicine Reviews Editorials (PDF)

Krustrup P 2017 Chapter 6 Soccer Fitness - Prevention and Treatment of Lifestyle Diseases (PDF)

Football for Cancer patients Scientific Evidence 16 articles (PDF)

Forskningsenheden Sport and Health Sciences har derudover bidraget til 6 særnumre i Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports (SJMSS), Journal of Sport and Health Science (JSHS) og Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases (PCVD):

SJMSS 20(S1), pp 1-135, 16 articles, 2010:
Football as Prevention of Lifestyle Diseases
SJMSS 24(S1), pp. 1-150, 18 articles, 2014:
Football as Prevention and Treatment
SJMSS 28(S1), pp. 1-76, 8 articles, 2018:
Football is Medicine.
JSHS 7(2), pp. 127-73, 7 articles, 2020:
Team Sports and Health
PCVD 63(6), pp. 707-817, 13 articles, 2020:
Benefits of Recreational Group Sports
SJMSS 32(1), pp 1-175, 15 articles, 2022:
Elite Women’s Football

SDU Team Football for Life


Sidst opdateret: 12.06.2024