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NiSE webinar den 11. juni 2024


13.00-13.10 Velkomst ved webinarets moderator, professor Connie Svabo, centerleder på Forskningscenter for Naturvidenskabelig Uddannelse og Formidling, FNUG
13.10-13.35 Oplæg ved Peer Daugbjerg, ph.d., lektor, leder af Forskningsprogram for matematik- og naturfagsdidaktik, VIA University College:
Science teacher educators career narratives and life histories


How does science teacher educators’ career and life interact over time?
A firsthand understanding of an insider – my own – is that of a great variation within science teacher educators’ professional trajectories. This specific field is not well researched, however there is a slowly emerging field of international studies on being and becoming a teacher educator as well as on their lives and work.
The presentation will provide an overview of literature focusing on European teacher educators and add some perspectives from ongoing research on the meaning teacher educators find in their work.
The presentation will finish by giving a sneak preview into my own ongoing research on Danish science teacher education career narratives and life histories.
13.35-13.50 Diskussion i breakout rooms, incl. Peer Daugbjerg og Roberto Capone
13.50-14.00 Pause
14:00-14.25 Oplæg ved Roberto Capone, ph.d., forsker ved Institut for Matematik, University of Bari, Italien:
Teaching STEAM in the XXI century: the role of interdisciplinarity from a theoretical and practical point of view

In recent years, the term STEM has become a catalyst for various reflections concerning the concept of technological innovation and education. Indeed, as we have seen, thanks to the pandemic, technologies offer opportunities to deal with real situations, and an integrated approach to teaching and learning can help in shaping responsible, motivated, and competent new generations. On the other hand, new generations need to manage and cope with an increasingly complex society, where every situation must be observed from multiple perspectives and new ways of thinking must be developed. Taking this into account, the STE(A)M-focused approach was introduced, incorporating the study of the humanities, language arts, dance, drama, music, visual arts, design, new media, and more.

The interdisciplinarity which characterized the STE(A)M approach can contribute to deepen the understanding of STEM disciplines. However, to foster the advancement of STE(A)M education, there is a need for investigations on some important aspects, such as the role and the training of teachers or the role and the use of innovative technologies.
In this webinar we will focus on the following:

1. Introduction: STEM and STEAM education
2. The role of interdisciplinarity
3. Theoretical points: the idea of borders as metaphor, Lotman and the semiosphere; Habermas and the construct of rationality
4. Examples of interdisciplinary activities with students:
• Ceva’s theorem, from geometry to statics;
• Fagnano’s problem in a “light” billiard;
• networks, springs and Fibonacci: what is the connection?
14.30-14.50 Diskussion i plenum
14.50-15.00 Wrap up 

Arrangører af NiSE webinarer

Connie Svabo, professor og centerleder, FNUG
Martin Krabbe Sillasen, forskningsleder og vicecenterleder, CESE/NAFA
Gitte Miller Balslev, lektor, FNUG


For yderligere information kontakt mødekoordinator Connie Svabo

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Roberto Capone

Peer Daugbjerg

Sidst opdateret: 13.05.2024