12:00-13:00: FNUG Informal Lunch Get-together – drop by and say hi!
13:00-13:20: Presentation 1 : The Quality Work of Sustainability in Daycares
Speaker: Research Assistant Katrine Bennedsen
Right now, we live in a world where i.a. war, poverty and climate crisis fill a part of children's and young people's everyday lives. This can lead to them carrying concerns, and the likes, for the world around them. Children must now learn to tackle these concerns from a daycare age, so that they are equipped to, and have learn to, contribute to sustainable development rather than being influenced negatively by it. Here, the quality of day care plays a decisive role. It is of crucial importance to children's development here and now as well as in the future. One topic that the day care services are engaged with, and that is implemented in the educational curriculum, is the Global Goals for sustainable development, and for sustainability in general. There are here several different quality parameters that are significant. These are explained in the presentation and compared to how else to work with sustainability in day care, and how to ensure the quality of this work.
13:20-13:45: Presentation 2: Citizen Science as a Research tool in Studies of Danish Harbour Porpoises
Speaker: Associate Professor Magnus Wahlgren
Harbour porpoises is the most common whale in Danish waters. Little is known about details in their behaviour, and their distribution. We developed an app that citizens on Funen and other areas can be used to mark down any porpoise observations made. The data helps us to charter the whereabouts of Danish porpoises, and to indicate which areas would be most pertinent to conserve.
13:45-14:00: Break
14:00-14:30: Presentation 3: Building Bridges with Visualization
Speaker: Associate Professor Stefan Jänicke
Data is produced in many areas of research and everyday life, and often, domain experts or casual users are lacking means to get insights. Visualization is a key instrument to make data and its inherent patterns "visible". However, mapping data features to visual attributes adds another layer of distortion to the data, so a visual design process has to be done carefully in collaboration between target user and visualization expert. I will showcase the importance of a participatory visual design approach at the example of selected projects.
14:30-14:50: Discussion
14:50-15:00: Wrap up, final remarks and next time
Seminaret er ét i rækken af forskningsseminarer, som FNUG holder hver anden torsdag.
Formålet med forskningsseminarerne er at udvikle og drøfte forskning inden for temaerne fagdidaktik, forskningsperspektiver på undervisningsudvikling på videregående uddannelsesniveau, STEM uddannelse, videnskabskommunikation, læremidler, professionsudvikling og uddannelsesinnovation. Som udgangspunkt er der 1-2 oplæg og efterfølgende drøftelse. Studerende er velkomne, og kandidatstuderende kan også være oplægsholdere. Seminarerne foregår fysisk, men der stilles et link til rådighed, hvis man vil lytte med online.