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FNUG forskningsseminar den 8. september 2022

Seminaret er ét i rækken af forskningsseminarer, som FNUG holder hver anden torsdag.

Formålet med forskningsseminarerne er at udvikle og drøfte forskning inden for temaerne fagdidaktik, forskningsperspektiver på undervisningsudvikling på videregående uddannelsesniveau, STEM uddannelse, videnskabskommunikation, læremidler, professionsudvikling og uddannelsesinnovation. Som udgangspunkt er der 1-2 oplæg og efterfølgende drøftelse. Studerende er velkomne, og kandidatstuderende kan også være oplægsholdere. Seminarerne foregår fysisk, men der stilles et link til rådighed, hvis man vil lytte med online.


12:00-13:00: FNUG Informal Lunch Get-together – drop by and say hi!

13:00-13:15: Welcome and Introduction (Who we are, and Plan of FNUG seminars in Fall 2022)

13:15-13:45: Presentation 1 : Interventionist Evaluation Design in STEM Projects

Speaker: Research Assistant Tina Maria Brinks


What does an evaluation design look like in science didactic STEM projects? And how can we solve such tasks in FNUG? These are precisely the questions I am trying to answer at the moment, and which this presentation is about. During 2022, we at FNUG have handled a number of smaller tasks, all of which have a focus on some kind of design-based research evaluation, which is why it could be interesting to consider what type of evaluation design we with FNUG glasses will be able to offer as an open -interventionist evaluation concept. The presentation draws on knowledge from research on change processes, participatory design (Simonsen & Robertson, 2013), collaborative evaluation (Kølsen Petersen et al., 2021), pragmatism (Dewey, 2012) and quality/evaluation (Dahler-Larsen, 2019b). The preliminary model consists of 3 P's; Participatory, Performative and Pragmatic. The presentation will elaborate on this model.

Research questions:

How do we combine participatory design with “qualitalization” to create an evaluation design for projects where we are asked to carry some type of research-based evaluation?

When is quality/evaluation research-based?

What is the potential impact of combining these terms to create a 3P-evaluation design concept?

13:45-14:00: Break

14:00-14:30: Presentation 2: Investigating Teaching Qualities in Connected Classrooms

Visiting Scholar from Sweden: Associate Professor Marie Nilsberth, Karlstad University, Dep. of Educational Studies


In international comparison, education in the Nordic countries is well equipped with digital technology, something that not least has proved to be an important factor during the pandemic-periods of home-schooling. However, even if there are many advocates for the advantages of digitalization on policy levels, access to digital technology is in itself no guarantee for improved teaching quality in terms of student participation, content formation and equity issues. In this presentation I present research in the project Connected Classroom Nordic, part of the Nordic excellence centre QUINT, Qualities in Nordic Teaching. This project departs from a media-ecology approach, where digital media and technology is understood in terms of environments. Going beyond perspectives on digitalization as merely about implementation of new tools and developing digital competence, we are interested in what happens with classrooms as environments for teaching, learning and interaction when “new” digital resources meets the “old” non-digital classroom practices. 

14:30-14:50: Discussion

14:50-15:00: Wrap up, Final Remarks and Next Time


Read more about Marie and her work here:


The following references support Presentation 1 by Tina Maria Brinks.

1.       Bratteteig, T., Bødker, K., Dittrich, Y., Mogensen, P. H., & Simonsen, J. (2020). Methods: organising principles and general guidelines for Participatory Design projects. In Routledge International Handbook of Participatory Design (pp. 117–144). Routledge.

2.       Dahler-Larsen, P. (2019a). Qualitization and Models of Qualitization. In Quality: From plato to performance (pp. 153–188). Springer International Publishing.


Torsdag den 8. september kl. 13-15 


I FNUGs mødelokale, V6-601a-2

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  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Telefon: 6550 2466

Sidst opdateret: 19.09.2023