12:00-13:00: FNUG fælles frokost - kom og vær med til en uformel frokost inden seminarets start.
13:00-14.00: Co-creation in science communication – a case study of Moriori, Music and Manawa in New Zealand
Speaker: Nancy Longnecker
14.00-14.10: Kort pause
14.10-14.30: Discussant til Nancy Longneckers oplæg samt præsentation af et kommende projekt "Adressing Sustainability with Arts-Based Science Communication"
Speaker: Marianne Achiam og Sabrina Vitting-Seerup
14.30-14.55: Case study from China and Italy in primary school for social-emotional learning, through picture book - When Fear Knocks on the Door
Speaker: Pei an
14.55-15.00: Opsummering