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SDU BSS Advisory Board

The Advisory Board contributes with perspectives on the Faculty's development and strategic initiatives. See the list of members below.

Academic Partners

  • Delphine Manceau, Dean, NEOMA Business School
  • Per Cramér, Dean, School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg
  • Roger Henning Normann, Dean, University of Agder
  • Tom Elfring , Former Dean, Nijmegen School of Management
  • Vincent Mangematin, Dean, KEDGE Business School

Business Partners

  • Claus Kastberg Nielsen, Director, Copenhagen Economics
  • Kasper Kjærsgaard Jensen, CEO and Partner, Nørgaard Mikkelsen
  • Lone Saaby, Director, Education Esbjerg
  • Ole Hammer, Government and Public Affairs Director, Lego
  • Thomas Alslev Christensen, Senior Vice President, Novo Nordisk Foundation


  • Dorthe Lund Kaack, Director, C.C.N. Holding
  • Karsten Thinggaard, CEO, Autonomous Units ApS
  • Linette Damgaard Hansen, Director of Unit, Sydbank
  • Majbritt Skov, Partner Deloitte and Head of Deloitte Economics
  • Sofie Møller Bjerrisgaard, Strategy and Leadership Director, BHJ

SDU Representatives

  • Hanne Søndergaard Birkmose, Dean, The Faculty of Business and Social Sciences
  • Johanna Süssmeir,  Special Advisor, The Faculty of Business and Social Sciences
  • Kristin B. Munksgaard, Director, University of Southern Denmark Business School
  • Niklas Woermann, Head of Studies, MSc  degree programme in Economics & Business Administration
  • Signe Pihl-Thingvad,  Head of Department, Department of Political Science and Public Management

Last Updated 27.07.2024